SmartsysSoft, software yang digunakan untuk mendesain kartu ucapan dengan tampilan grafis yang kuat. Dilengkapi ratusan template kartu ucapan, simbol, clip art,dan gambar. Sehingga, anda dapat membuat kartu ucapan yang mudah dan menarik. Anda juga dapat menambahkan foto anda ke dalam dasain dengan kualitas yang sangat tinggi. Hasilnyapun dapat langsung di cetak di printer anda atau bisa di save dengan format BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF. Karena portable, anda dapat menjalankan tanpa di install lagi.
Baca Nih kalau kamu bule :
- Powerful vector graphics editing program
- Each vector object such as shape, symbol, text can be filled or stroked with solid color, gradient colors, images, patterns.
- Provides visual path editing tools to edit shapes. With which, you can create the most unique shapes, symbols or texts if you desires.
- More than hundreds of dash styles are supported to be used for stroking shapes.
- Each drawing elements is painted very smoothly. So you can get very nice business cards when your designs are translated to printing.
- Works like a greate image editor program that supports strongly layer-editing. A shape object can be filled and storked with different transparency level.
- Greeting Card Templates and Pre-designed Drawing Elements
- Select from attractive greeting card templates and customize with your own photos and texts to create stunning greeting cards.
- Provides thousands of pre-defined pictures, symbols, shapes, gradient style, textures and clipart images. In addition, all common image formats are supported so you can use your own pictures and clipart to design the perfect custom greeting cards for you.
- Allows you to fold your greeting card in a number of ways.
- Design Greeting Cards With Easy
- The application’s interface is attractive and quite intuitive.
- Undo and redo anytime and anywhere.
- With moving mouse button you can create, move, resize or rotate each drawing objects visually and freely.
- Custom Your Printing
- Supports to print your cards on any local Windows compatible printer.
- Save your designs as a high quality images with BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF format for outside quality printing.
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